Greetings Brothers!
UPDATE: The PUSOG Summer 2015 BBQ Fundraiser was a resounding success, raising over $3000 for the Capital Campaign! A hearty thank you for all our brothers attending and supporting the campaign, and especially those who came after the memorial service for James Freaney. Also snaps to Becca Howie and Jaime Grimes for running an exemplary event! Pictures will be posted soon.
PUSOG is proud to announce that we will be hosting a BBQ fundraiser, with proceeds going to the Capitol Campaign project to renovate the front of the Haus! Please join us on Saturday, June 27 beginning at 7pm for a feast of all foods grilled and smoked! Tickets are as follows:
Undergrad and first year alumnus: $19.70
(Includes food and non-alcoholic beverages)
Teetotaler level: $25.00
(Includes food and non-alcoholic beverages)
Bit o’ Grog level: $40.00
(Includes wine and beer)
Craft Cocktails at Beamer’s Bar level: $100.00
(Includes serious cocktails)
Drink Deep of some Old Ones level: $250.00
(Includes some higher-end and rare spirits)
Tickets may be purchased at the PayPal link at the top of the page by including a note in your donation, by sending a check to PUSOG c/o Rebecca Howie, or by contacting Becca to arrange credit card or check payment (e-mail BeccaHowie at ).