** Minutes of the General Body Meeting of the Psi Upsilon Society of Georgia
2 August 2008
* In Attendance:
Heather Burns
Sean Caulfield
Jonathan Chaffin
Ken Crouch
Larry Fine
Michael Grosse-Huelsewiesche
Charles Hall
Lee Hall
Lisa Jordan
David Kazanow
Hammad Khan
Laura King
J.D. Langeland
Ross Meltz
Jeff Miken
Matt Morris
Will Moss
Anastasia Nienow (Active; VP of Internal Affairs)
Jen Roper
Jesse Scherer
Ryan Seto
Mandie Smith
Sam Smith
Rob Solomon
Louis Stavrides
Drew Stevens
Clint Wiegle (Active; Archon)
Matthew (Gumby) Williams
John Woehler
CALL TO ORDER: 2:15 pm
* Round of Introductions
* OPENING REMARKS: By Jonathan Chaffin
PUSOG needs to extend its operation beyond mere house ownership. It needs to take primary responsibility from Chuck, support the active chapter, and provide its alumni members with networking opportunity.
Review of International’s functions and duties and new focus on young alumni fundraising.
* CONVENTION REVIEW: Presentation by Laura King
Brother King summarized Convention, mentioned the new and provisional chapters, and passed initiatives on mental health and smoking in chapter houses.
* COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE: Presentation by Laura King
Brother King gave an introduction to International’s new twofold program to both train Alumni in chapter mentorship and guide undergraduate chapters’ values and goals. Approach Laura with questions or interest.
* PUSOG and its FINANCES: Presentation by Charles Hall
– Action Item: Laura King: to investigate pricing structure of Omega Financial to handle rent
– Action Item: Matt Williams: volunteers his mortgage company to pursue options
– Action Item: Will Moss: to ask a real estate appraiser about deals on appraisals
Brother Hall gave a presentation of the financial and operational state of PUSOG. It has run over the past seven years with only Chuck among active officers. Great importance on setting up functional BOD and electing officers. While PUSOG is asset-rich with the house almost paid off, it is cash-poor as a consequence of needful repairs.
Chuck proposed that PUSOG take out a loan at $150,000 which would cover existing mortgage, property taxes, and all needed repairs. Payment on this mortgage would be significantly less than rental income, and would allow PUSOG to build a cash reserve for future maintenance. This loan could possibly be alumni-financed.
The possibility of handing rent collection and tenant management over to a firm such as Omega Financial was discussed, and shall be investigated.
* FUNDRAISING: Presentation by Jonathan Chaffin
– Action Item: Louis Stavrides: create Gamma Tau LinkedIn Group
– Action Item: Hammad Khan: organize cohesive database from available sources. Due 14 September.
– Action Item: Matt Williams: Announce dates for calling campaign
Current fundraising is working toward upstairs bathroom renovations. One calling campaign has been completed, breaking fundraising records, and the year’s second is set to occur before Founders’ Day Weekend. Fundraising plan is to call for donations twice yearly, before Founders’ Day and Alumni Weekends.
A website has been set up at https://pusog.org to track donations and distribute PUSOG news.
The group broke up to brainstorm and present ideas for PUSOG’s direction and growth. The following is a summary of recommendations.
– Event organization: events specifically for Alumni (perhaps in Summer and Winter)
– Steady and Major upgrades to the House
– Collective benefits (such as discounts) for members
– Creation of a functioning and continuous Board and EC
– Long term financial stability for PUSOG
– Strong networking among alumni
– Visibility to Active chapter: host chapter events, individually host actives for meals
– Recommendation to simplify the previous PUSOG committee organization to Internal, External, and Book Keeping
– Collect an understanding of how the active Chapter works, and mirror it in our organization
– Outsource rent collection and similar duties; make an outside firm The Bad Guy (and save energy)
– Expose a strong and clear leadership within PUSOG
– Organize to finance house improvements
– Nominate a PUSOG member to supervise state of the property
– Investigate landscaping or cleaning services for House
– Listen to what Chuck says he needs done
* DISCUSSION OF DUES and ORGANIZATION: Led by Jonathan Chaffin
– Action Item: Jesse Scherer: Determine dates for general body meeting. Announce and post to calendar.
It was resolved by voice vote that general body meetings shall be held twice yearly, roughly six weeks before Founders’ Day and Alumni Weekends.
It was recommended that calling campaigns be set to occur after the general body meetings.
It was decided by voice vote that the EC shall set its own meeting schedule.
It was decided by voice vote that the BOD may call special meetings at its discretion.
It was decided by voice vote that the quorum for general body meetings shall be 50% of paying members, inclusive of proxy votes.
It was resolved that dues be set at the next general body meeting, elected from a menu of three budget choices prepared by the interim BOD.
It was resolved by show of hands that general body meetings shall be considered open meetings.
A temporary Board of Directors was composed of volunteers at the meeting. This interim BOD shall serve until the next general body meeting:
Sean Caulfield
Jonathan Chaffin
Becca Howie
Hammad Khan
Ross Meltz
Will Moss
Jesse Scherer
Sam Smith
Matt Williams
Carrie Woehler
John Woehler
The question of term limits for the EC was tabled until next general body meeting.
Submitted 5 August 2008 by Jesse Scherer
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