Tailgating on Tech Campus, Sat, Oct 25th

Greetings, folks!

GaTech Homecoming fast approaches!

Looks like the game starts at 1:30. 3ish,  Tailgating before the homecoming
football game will occur all day in the parking lot and deck area of
831 Techwood Dr; the chapter house.  Food, snacks, and beer are all
pot luck.

WHO’S BRINGING WHAT: (Please add your name to the list)

Atari Chaffin – a couple dozen deviled eggs
Sounds like old school radio it will have to be, barring portable
magical satellite dish.



Steve King

Atari – deviled eggs, hotdogs


Jessejoe – grill. charcoal.

K, QJ, Kaz – baked goods

Sean – pie

Corey – maybe beef brisket

Twitch – beer

Thorn – snacks and sodas, plates/napkins and stuff.

Ross – OK, so I will bring a couple dozen whores, I mean burgers… and buns.

Bobby King – Mac n cheese

Mad Joe –

Louie Bouchard –

Pauli –

Mandie –

Alex –
Parking is limited; park where you can, perhaps take Marta down.

Here are some more links about homecoming.

http://www.gtalumni.org/pages/hcgeneralinformation (note: This is
also the year for the class of 1983 Reunion)

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Sept 08 Site update

  1. Added galleries from Joe DiNunno GT’78.
  2. Added PUSOG Assembly Minutes: 6 Sept 2008
  3. New DonorsAdded
  4. Added Budget & Dues Page
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Full House Cleanup Week Recap – Wed., Thurs., and Fri.

The latter half of Full House Cleanup was spent finishing up many of the little projects we had a round the house such as putting up fire escape plans, smoke detectors and checking all the fire extinguishers and making sure that they were filled. There’s a new lock on the back door and a new toilet in the ool room. There was more weeding in the front yard and the kitchen was cleaned up some. Progress has been made on building a tool shed; there is now a base for the floor and two walls made. It should be finished up this weekend so we can put all the tools away before rush. Some of our lighting was also fixed and replaced so they house is a little brighter at certain points inside.

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Full House Cleanup Recap – Monday & Tuesday

With Summer coming to a close and Rush Week around the corner it’s time for the annual Full House Cleanup Week. The past two mornings had some people out in the front weeding to maintain the garden that was put in place last Full House Cleanup Week and others in the backyard leveling an area for where we hope to put a new tool shed. We’ve also hired a pest inspector at https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/local/minnesota/ to check for pests and termites. Inside the house a group of brothers went through the brother’s room organizing all the books by subject and getting rid of the extra multiples of books. A crew of people inspected all the smoke detectors in the house to make sure that they were working and checked to make sure all the rooms had one. Fire escape plans were also made to go up around the upstairs and downstairs. The laundry loft was also rebuilt and the laundry room was also cleaned up some. Since we have about 30-something actives a new stage was erected in order to put an extra couch on to help add more seating for meetings. Some brothers checked on the lighting fixtures in the house and others did research on getting new locks for all the outside doors to help better the house’s security. A plumber was also asked to stop by to see what needed to be done to put a working bathroom downstairs and should be back on Thursday to look at the pipes underneath the floor and hopefully we will have a new downstairs bathroom in time for Rush.

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Registration for Around the World 11 is now open

Logo for AtW11

July 26th.

So, you want to try your hand at being a tinpot dictator? Sign Up to run a country at Around The World 2008.

If you are familiar with past incarnations of this event, you will of course be well aware that our definition of what may be defined as a country is looser most, but here are some brief and highly biased guidelines. Feel free to add to or dispute them in the comments.

  • Do pick something that will be fun for more than just you
  • Do realize that you’ll be feeding etc. potentially lots of people
  • DO involve at least 2 people in creating and staffing a country, unless you like spending a lot of money to sit at a table all night while everyone else has fun and throws broken bottles at you
  • Do have a toy to give away


  • DON’T pick a country that only exists in an Anime
  • DON’T pick a country whose ‘game’ involves the TV and controllers. (I’m talking to you, DDR-Landia)
  • DON’T commit to a country that you are not willing to keep staffed all night.

Anyway, go here to host a country.


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